7 Useful Facts About Spirit Guides

As a Shamanic Healer, I spend most of my day checking in with Spirit Guides. I also get questions all the time like "what exactly are spirit guides?" and "how do I work with my spirit guides?"

So let's get into it!


Spirit guides are compassionate, omnipresent beings that reside in the spiritual world. The role of a spirit guide is assist, heal, and protect us in the human world.

[If you want to REALLY dive into working with your spirit guides, check out my 2 day workshop Intro To Shamanic Practices]


1. Spirit Guides are omnipresent, if I call on Archangel Michael for assistance, he is able to be present and helping me while also helping someone else. Because of this you never need to feel like an inconvenience when asking for help. When you ask for help you are not taking away from someone else who may need help as well.

2. We ALL have Spirit Guides. No matter who you are, where you come from, or what you have done in life, you have spirit guides. Many, if not all, cultures believe in the presence of spirits, and chances are if you grew up being part of a religious organization, you have already been working with spirit guides. Ex: Jesus is considered an Ascended Master, Angels are spirit guides.

3. Spirit Guides often communicate through the signs and synchronicities. Ex: You are reading about a spirit guide ( "5 Favorite Oracle Decks to Get To Know Your Spirit Guides" blog post coming soon! Join our mailing list to receive an alert when it is up!) and notice that one of their symbols is a butterfly. A few days later you ask if you should take a job you have been offered. As you go to sign your contract you notice a butterfly on the sign for the coffee shop next door...there is your sign that you are on the right track.

4. There are many different types of spirit guides. As you start to work with your different guides you will begin to notice who comes forward for what tasks, problems, and projects. With time, you will have a greater understanding of who to call on when.

5. Spirit Guides will always respect your divine sovereignty, meaning, unless you ask for help (either vocally or in your mind) they will not interfere. They may be close by waiting for the sign to jump in but until you give them permission they will not interfere.

6. Spirit Guides tend to have a sense of humor. If your guides are not making you laugh or roll your eyes every so often, it may be worth checking in to see if you are in fact working with your spirit guides or other spiritual beings disguised as your guides. I have found that they especially like to poke fun at irony.

7. And finally, one of my favorite facts: You can inherit spirit guides. If there is a guide that your ancestors worked with, you may inherit a connection to that guide. For example: I discovered in a healing that my ancestors worked closely with Goddess Diana when manifesting. As soon as I started asking her for assistance, things started coming to me at lightening speed. Our working relationship already had a foundation through my ancestors.

Want to learn more about the different kinds of spirit guides?

Check out PART 2: The Different Kinds Of Spirit Guides.

AND if you want to start working more closely with your spirit guides and develop your intuitive connection, check out our 2 day workshop Intro To Shamanic Practices.


The Different Kinds of Spirit Guides


The 6 Clair Senses: How To Communicate With Your Spirit Guides