3 Shamanic Practices for Manifestation

As a Shamanic Energy Healer (while there are many branches of Shamanism, I primarily practice Irish and Norse Shamanic work as that is my own lineage) I work with a lot of people who say “I’ve been trying to manifest this thing for a while, and while I get glimpses of it, it’s just not fully landing.”

Whenever I hear this I immediately ask the guides, “what’s causing the block?” Is it that they don’t have the capacity to maintain what they are calling in yet? Is there a past life fear or wound telling them it’s not safe to actually HAVE what they want? Is there an ancestor who is interfering because they don’t believe that these desires will bring an easeful life?

So let’s go through a few tools and resources to help you manifest those heart desires!

  1. Check in with your intuition and spirit guides through A SHAMANIC JOURNEY

    When we keep our manifestations cognitive, we tend to slightly miss the mark. For example: Let’s say I cognitively want to manifest $10,000. When I check in with my guides they may show me that what I really want is to feel ease with finances and that the way for me to do that isn’t through $10,000 but through learning how to manage my finances…and once I learn to manage my finances that $10,000 may come through very quickly. 

    In going into the intuitive and spiritual, we often find very clear guidance to our next steps. 

Wanting to try a Shamanic Journey but not sure where to start? CLICK HERE to download our FREE SHAMANIC JOURNEY for Next Steps and Manifestation!

2. Focus on the Feelings

Often, we get so caught up in the material items, that we forget WHY we want the material item in the first place…the FEELING we perceive we will have. I want a new car could translate into, I want to feel at ease and safe while driving.

Our energetic field attunes to feelings. Once you are clear on the feelings you desire, spend some time imagining what it will feel like when you have what you desire. Just like warming up your body before a workout, warm up your energetic field. This also taps into the Law of Attraction, like energy attracts like energy…allow your feelings to shift your energy.

3. Work with the energy of the earth

Once you are clear about what it is you want, and how you want to feel, work with the earth.

There are many ways of manifesting but this one is hands down the most powerful one I’ve experienced…like POWERFUL:

-Get into a meditative state

-Imagine that you have roots connecting you to the many layers of the earth.

-Envision the waters of the earth (in Irish work also called the chaos of potential) coming up into your body

-Allow these waters to carry your desires

-Use your hands to send those manifestations into the world

That’s the cliff notes version, I give a more in depth explanation in the tiktok video linked below:

A few other things to remember when manifesting:

-Do no harm. Period. The End. Just do no harm.

-Everyone has divine sovereignty and we must honor that. We are not trying to manipulate someone or something to change to suit our desires. We are calling in the things that are aligned and meant for us.

-Sometimes manifestations take more time than we want them to. I really believe that the Universe will not send you something you are not ready for. If you are aware and connected to your deepest desires (especially if they relate to career), but feeling like something is blocking them, check out our course Unblock Your Creative Career. This course uses career as an anchor point for some serious, in depth, personal healing and alignment so that those deepest desires have a clear and easeful path to you.

-Most of all, have fun! The Universe responds to joy. Life is too short to make everything serious, find a way to add some fun!


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