What I Learned in the First 2 Modules of Taking My DEEP DIVE: Soul Level Healing Course

I have been taking myself through my upcoming course DEEP DIVE: Soul Level Healing.  When I started this endeavor I really thought I knew what was coming, but even as the creator of this course, I have been surprised by what has come up!

Before I share what I've learned, you need to understand how this course works. At the beginning of the 9 modules you pick an “anchor” or focus for the course. This is an area of life where it feels like you've done a lot of work, but for some reason things still aren't “clicking.” My chosen anchor is my relationship to finances.  Over the course of the 9 modules we dive into many deep healing practices and principles, looking at this anchor point from all angles, all while going deeper and deeper into your energy field to make sure that we are being as thorough as possible.

Here's What I've Learned in the First 2 Modules:


The biggest moments of distress or emotional confusion in my life were linked to times when my perceived financial supports were being threatened.

In week 1 we look at our perceived supports or what helps us feel safe in the world. I very quickly realized that the moments that still bring up the question “why did I behave like that?!” were almost ALL related to a fear in my nervous system of not feeling supported.

I currently rely on available credit as a support but I would feel better if I relied on savings.

Identifying where I am currently getting support and where I would like to be getting support gave me a very clear idea of where I want to put my focus moving forward and WHY. It's not because I “should” it's because it's what my body is craving!


I have let the fears of those around me shape my view of finances!

We start Module 2 by personifying our anchor point and I immediately saw “finances” as this beaten up and abused being. It was like she was being bullied by everyone and I had just jumped in with the crowd view instead of getting to know her myself. This was a BIG SHIFT for me. I always assumed that my negative feelings about finances stemmed from my own views…NOPE! I was just joining those around me.

I discovered a filter on my spirit gates when it came to financial information.

In this module's healing section we go in and clear spirit gates and as soon as I got to that part of the healing (which by the way, you can just sit and listen to if you just want to receive it) I saw a filter over my gates that was keeping things around finances confusing. Needless to say I am very excited to see what information comes through now that that filter is gone!

I thought I was going to meet a new Spirit Guide…Freya said “Nah Girl, you have a lot of healing to do first.”

The last part of this module is meeting a spirit guide that is going to act as your “go to guide” for the course." I started this section thinking “Can't wait to meet someone new” and then Freya came through and was like “NOPE” …turns out I have more energetic field healing to do than I thought when it comes to my relationship to finances!

If you want start working with your spirit guides, check out our 5 Day Spirit Guide Practice!

So far this journey been very eye-opening…and these are the more surface-level modules…each week we go into deeper energetic principles…I'm feeling a lot of excitement and some resistance to the change that is coming.

If you want to join DEEP DIVE, you can learn more HERE!

AND if you register before September 14th (the official start date) you get $200 off!


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